2025 2nd International Conference on Autonomous Driving and Intelligent Sensing Technology (ADIST 2025)
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Prof. Yongjun Xu

Concordia University, (IEEE Fellow)

Youmin Zhang (Fellow, IEEE) received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in automatic control from the Department of Automatic Control, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an, China, in 1983, 1986, and 1995, respectively. He is currently a Professor with the Department of Mechanical, Industrial and Aerospace Engineering, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. He has authored or coauthored 10 books, more than 600 journal and conference papers. His research interests include the areas of monitoring, diagnosis and physical fault/cyber-attack tolerant/resilient control, autonomous guidance, navigation and control of unmanned systems and smart grids, with applications to forest fires and smart cities in the framework of cyber-physical systems by combining with remote sensing techniques. Prof. Zhang is also a Fellow of CSME, a Senior Member of AIAA, the President of International Society of Intelligent Unmanned Systems (ISIUS) during 2019–2022, and a technical committee member of several scientific societies. He has been an Editor-in-Chief (EIC), Editorial Advisory Board Member of several journals, including as a Member of Board of Governors for Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, IEEE Transaction on Circuits and Systems–II: Express Briefs, IET Cyber-systems and Robotics, Unmanned Systems, Drone Systems and Applications, Security and Safety, and the Deputy EIC of Guidance, Navigation and Control etc. He has served as (Honorary) General Chair, Program Chair of several unmanned systems, renewable energies, smart cities relevant international conferences.


Prof. Ning Sun

Nankai University, (Young Changjiang Scholar, IEEE Senior Member)

Ning Sun received the B.S. degree in measurement & control technology and instruments from Wuhan University, Wuhan, China, in 2009, and the Ph.D. degree in control theory and control engineering from Nankai University, Tianjin, China, in 2014. He is a Senior Member of the IEEE. He is currently a Professor with Nankai University, Tianjin, China and the Shenzhen Research Institute of Nankai University, Shenzhen, China. His research interests include intelligent control for mechatronic/robotic systems with an emphasis on (industrial) applications.

Dr. Sun received the Machines 2021 Young Investigator Award, the prestigious Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Postdoctoral Fellowship for Research in Japan (Standard), the Wu Wenjun Artificial Intelligence Excellent Youth Award in 2019, the ICCAR 2022 Young Scientist Award, the China 10 Scientific and Technological Developments in Intelligent Manufacturing of 2019, several outstanding journal/conference paper awards, etc. He serves as an Associate Editor for several journals, including IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE Systems Journal, and Journal of Field Robotics. In addition, he has been an Associate Editor of the IEEE CSS Conference Editorial Board since July 2019, and he is/was an Associate Editor for the top robotics conferences IEEE ICRA and IEEE/RSJ IROS.


Prof. Yang Sun

Hebei University of Engineering, China (Vice Dean)

Prof. Yang Sun,born in August 1979, doctor, professor, doctoral supervisor, vice president of the Science and Technology Research Institute of Hebei University of Engineering, director of the Key Laboratory of Intelligent Vehicles in Handan City, member of CAA Parallel Intelligence Special Committee of the Chinese Society of Automation, member of the National Teaching Guidance Committee for Automotive Service Engineering, member of the Engineering drawing Society of Hebei Province, and member of the Artificial Intelligence and Big data Professional Teaching Committee of the China Machinery Industry Education Association, Member of the Mechanical Engineering Expert Committee of the VE, member of the Chinese Society of Automation, member of the Chinese Society of Automotive Engineering, young academic backbone of Hebei University of Engineering, member of the Academic Committee of the College of Mechanical and Equipment Engineering, Expert reviewers for journals such as IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,World Journal of Engineering, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Applications, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Journal of Zhejiang University, the Journal of Weapon Equipment Engineering. In June 2014, he received a doctor's degree in mechanical engineering from Beijing Institute of Technology. In recent years, have led or participated in 4 national level scientific research projects and 12 provincial and ministerial level scientific research projects; Obtained 5 national patents; Published over 50 papers, including over 30 included in SCI and EI; Received 1 Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award, 2 Provincial Teaching Achievement Awards, and 2 Municipal Science and Technology Progress Awards.


Prof. Zhi Li

Guangxi Normal University, China

Prof. Zhi Li is a distinguished member of China Computer Federation (CCF), standing committee member of its Technical Council on Software Engineering (TCSE), and a member of its Technical Council on Systems Software and Formal Methods. He graduated with a BSc degree from Fudan University in 1991, an MScdegree from the University of York in 2004, and a PhD degree from The Open University in 2008. Prof. Li had spent over 10 years doing professional and technical work before he entered academia in 2001, withsubsequent 9 years in the UK. His research interests are modeling, verifying, testing and validating Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) or Internet of Things (IoT) systems based on Problem Frames, andHuman-Computer Interaction. His research has been sponsored by 2 grants from the National NaturalScience Foundation of China, and 4 grants from Ministry of Education of China, Guangxi Natural ScienceFoundation, and Guangxi Scientific Research & Technological Development. He has published over 50research papers (including 3 CCF-A papers and 3 best papers). He has given over 10 invited talks atacademic conferences.