Welcome Assoc. Prof. Shijie Zhao, Liaoning Technical University to be the TPC!
Welcome Assoc. Prof. Shijie Zhao, Liaoning Technical University to be the TPC!


赵世杰 副教授 组委.png

Assoc. Prof. Shijie Zhao, Liaoning Technical University, China

Zhao Shijie, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Doctoral Supervisor, the candidate of Liaoning Province "Ten Thousand Talents Project", the Youth Teacher Enhancement Program "Top Talent" of Liaoning Technical University, Senior member of CCF, Executive committee member of CCF-TC Computer Applications. His research interests include Intelligence Optimization and Computation, Machine Learning and Data Analysis, Underwater Navigation and Intelligent Positioning. He is also a reviewer for SCI journals such asIEEE-CAA J AUTOMATIC, ENG APPL ARTIF INTEL, ARTIF INTELL REV, J FIELD ROBOT, and IEEE T COGN DEV SYST, etc. He has hold several national and provincial-level scientific research projects, and participated in scientific research projects such as National Natural Science Foundation of China and National Key Research Foundation. He has published more than 20 academic papers with the first author in journalsIEEE Sensors Journal, IEEE Trans. on Instrumentation and Measurement, Expert Systems with Applications, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Applied Intelligence (including 3 ESI hot/highly cited papers) and won several scientific and technological awards, such as the First prize of Liaoning Province science and technology progress and the Platinum Award of British Invention Show.

赵世杰,博士,副教授,博士生导师,辽宁省“百千万人才工程”人选,校青年教师提升计划“拔尖人才”,CCF高级会员,CCF计算机应用专委会执行委员。目前主要从事智能优化与计算、机器学习与数据解析、水下导航与智能定位等方向的科研工作。现担任 IEEE-CAA J AUTOMATIC、ENG APPL ARTIF INTEL、ARTIF INTELL REV、J FIELD ROBOT、IEEE T COGN DEV SYST等SCI期刊评审专家。主持国家、省部级科研课题5项,参与国家自然基金、国家重点研发项目等科研课题。以第一作者在《IEEE Sensors Journal》、《IEEE Trans. on Instrumentation and Measurement 》、《Expert Systems with Applications》、《Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence》、《Applied Intelligence》等期刊发表学术论文20余篇(其中 ESI热点/高被引论文3篇)。获得辽宁省科技进步一等奖、英国伦敦国际发明铂金奖等科技奖励。