Welcome Prof. Jian Zhang from Southeast University to be the Technical Program Committee Chair!
Welcome Prof. Jian Zhang from Southeast University to be the Technical Program Committee Chair!



Prof. Jian Zhang, Southeast University, China


Research interests include: traffic engineering, intelligent transportation, and digital transportation. I have finished more than 10 national and provincial supported projects, as well as over 10 industry engineering technology application and service projects. Representative achievements have been published in high-level domestic and international journals such as IEEE TITS and China Journal of Highway and Transport. More than 60 papers have been indexed by SCI/SSCI, and more than 30 national invention patents have been authorized. Nine industry and group standards and 10 textbooks have been published. Dr. Zhang’s achievements have won the first prize of the Ministry of Education's Technology Invention Award (No. 2), the first prize (No. 2) and second prize (No. 1) of the Science and Technology Award of the China Highway and Transportation Society, et al. He serves as Session Chairman, Vice Chairman, Host, and Presenter for more than 50 well-known conferences. He has won the 15th China Highway Youth Science and Technology Award, the Science and Technology Innovation Youth Award of the China Communications and Transportation Association. Dr. Zhang has been selected into some talent projects, such as Southeast University's "Best Young Scholar", Jiangsu Province's "333 High level Talent Training Project", Jiangsu Province's transportation industry's "High level Leading Talent Training Plan", and so on.

主要从事交通工程、智能交通、数字交通等领域研究工作。先后主持国家和省部级项目10多项,主持10多项行业工程技术应用与咨询服务项目。代表性成果在IEEE TITS、中国公路学报等国内外高水平刊物发表,被SCI/SSCI收录60余篇,已授权国家发明专利30多项,牵头参编行业团体标准9项,出版教材编著10部。成果获得教育部技术发明一等奖(排2),中国公路学会科学技术奖一等奖(排2)、二等奖(排1),全国公路优秀科普作品二等奖(排1),中国指挥控制大会优秀论文一等奖(排2)等奖项。受邀在国内外知名会议、行业论坛等担任Session主席、副主席、主持人和报告人50余次。个人获第十五届中国公路青年科技奖、中国交通运输协会科学技术奖科技创新青年奖、西藏大学优秀个人等荣誉,先后入选东南大学“至善青年学者”、江苏省“333高层次人才培养工程”中青年科学技术带头人、江苏省交通运输行业“高层次领军人才培养计划”等人才工程。